Dr. Kelly
Let me be your Professor of Evangelism!
As president and founder of Barnabas Missions Unlimited my life is dedicated to equipping the body of Christ to be the empowered witnesses Christ has called us to in His service.
To see more about training in personal evangelism for the ordinary believer click on any of the links in the “resources” menu above or here – learn more…
I have been a professor since 1984 when I first started teaching a required pre-licensing course for real estate professionals at Iowa Lakes Community College.
Since then I earned a number of degrees, and developed and taught dozens of college & seminary level courses (see below).
For more information about my more academic pursuits go to www.drbriankelly.com
Undergraduate Degree:
B.A. in Pastoral Ministries, Missions and Biblical Studies, Trinity Bible College, Ellendale, ND.
Graduate Degrees:
M.A., Biblical Studies and Ph.D. in Practical Theology with emphasis in Spirituality/Evangelism, Fuller Theological Seminary.
Testimonials from Students of Rev. Brian Kelly (click here).
Brian M. Kelly was raised in Northwest Iowa in an Irish Catholic family as fifth of eight children. Drafted into the U.S. Army upon graduation from High School he served for 18 months with NATO forces in Germany. Kelly started working at a young age mowing lawns for spare money, sacking and stocking groceries, cooking Kentucky Fried Chicken and painting houses. After 5 years as a tree surgeon with Homestead Tree Service he worked for 2½ years as a carpenter before becoming a real estate broker. As a top producer in his field, he sold and leased farms, commercial, resort and residential properties for nearly 15 years, before leaving a lucrative career for ordained ministry.
Immersed in the decadent drug and hippie culture of the 60’s and 70’s, Brian came to Christ later in life at 31 years old. Since 1985, Kelly has been an “equipping evangelist” challenging and training the church to be a more effective witness to a lost and dying world. He is president and founder of Barnabas Missions Unlimited and spent many summers traveling with teams of students, training and equipping the church in marketplace and neighborhood evangelism.
He and his wife, Heather (who has a doctorate in Psychology) spent 8 years as professors at Bethany University in the redwood mountains of Santa Cruz. He taught Statistics, Research Methods, Integration of Faith and Business, Integration of Theology and Psychology, Strategic Planning, and Thesis writing in the M.S. in Clinical Psych, M.A. in Ed. and B.A. levels. He also taught Evangelism courses at Fuller Theological Seminary, Northern Campus- Menlo Park, CA. They have been lead pastors involved in 3 church plant/revitalization efforts within the Assemblies of God.
For 9 years Kelly taught numerous courses in the graduate programs of the College of Christian Ministries and Religion at Southeastern; Methods of Biblical Preaching/Teaching, Strategic Missional Leadership, Leadership Development, Research Methods, Thesis Writing Methods, Thesis/Contextual Education, and Shape of Practical Theology; as well as many undergrad courses: Practical Theology of Evangelism, Church Business Administration, Pastoral Theology I & II, Homiletics, Hermeneutics, and Church Planting and Revitalization.
Kelly loves to golf, hike, and play with his beautiful children Margaret Brianne (23), Maguire Timothy (20, and Celeste (11). Kelly noted that, “I consider it the highest honor to help equip future pastors, missionaries, and those called to ordained ministry in facilitating the call of God on their life. Yet, not just professional clergy but all believers, especially those in the helping professions; educators, therapists, medical personnel, business persons, etc., should be open to how God will use them to bring the love of Christ to a world so desperately in need of Him.” He currently serves as an online adjunct as a Senior Dissertation Advisor for the College of Doctoral Studies at Grand Canyon University, guiding Ed.D and Ph.D. students through the dissertation process.
Access Dr. Kelly’s personal testimony here – Click on the icon below to download/view: