***Download Our Spiritual Journey Together***
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(English and Spanish Versions Available).
Our Spiritual Journey Together is a pamphlet that briefly introduces people to God’s plan of salvation. Together with some explanation on your part, it can be a powerful tool you can use to share your faith with others.
To view a video presentation of the pamphlet by Dr. Brian Kelly click here.
Feel free to download, print, and distribute as many pamphlets as you like. Make sure you add your church’s contact information on the back of each pamphlet. We find the easiest way is to use the church’s mailing labels.
To print the pamphlets on both sides of a sheet of paper, print a pamphlet on one side of a sheet, then flip the sheet upside-down and print it again on other side. Then you can run copies of it, cut it down the middle and fold it appropriately.
If you intend to use a significant number of pamphlets, we recommend going through a professional printer, who can print large quantities, cut, fold, and bundle. We at Barnabas Missions also like to print our pamphlets with blue ink for the Our Spiritual Journey Together and red ink for the Walking With the Lord Jesus Christ pamphlet. You can order copies of these from us as well if you like just email us at [email protected].
Using the Pamphlet
The pamphlet was designed as a companion to be shared with people who answer positively to question #8 of the Religious Attitude Questionnaire (“May I briefly share with you what the Bible says about God and the spiritual realities of life and death”).
If you can read you can use this method to share with other people, going through a brief explanation of each panel as you show it to them. It is also a handy tool for sanctuary or event evangelism where people are called to respond in some way to a gospel presentation as it will help clarify just who they are committing their lives to and how to do that.
We have found that thorough reading and explanation of the pamphlet takes about 20 minutes. It may actually take no more than five minutes; but give yourself time to go through and explain the pamphlet in detail.
Describing the Pamphlet
Panel 1: God Made Us All
The first panel, or the front, depicts God’s hands and a man and woman that he created. The Scripture passage is from Genesis 1:27 NIV: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
The verse is from the beginning of the Bible, rather than skipping past the Old Testament to quote from the New Testament, to show that the whole Bible is relevant. It also appeals to Jews who might object when they’re immediately confronted with unfamiliar Scriptures from the New Testament. We’ll get to the New Testament soon enough.
It affirms that the salvation story starts at the very beginning of human history. It reminds people that God created everyone—an idea that no reasonable person will argue with. We are all God’s people created in His image and thus have extraordinary worth to Him. We are all in this together as part of the family of God. And it prepares people for the idea that everyone needs salvation.
Panel 2: Sin Separates Us

The second panel, on the inside, depicts diverse people (of various ethnicities and cultural backgrounds remember, salvation is for everyone!) going their own direction, and God’s hands held up in alarm. The Scripture is from Exodus 32:7-8 NIV: …Your people …have become corrupt. They have been quick to turn away from what I commanded them….
When you share this pamphlet, explain the background behind the verse. At this point in the Exodus story, God has freed the people of Israel from slavery, taken them to Sinai, and Moses is on the way to receive the Ten Commandments. Ask people, have you seen the movie The Ten Commandments? Most have in some form.
God continually refers to Israel as my people up to this point in his instructions to Moses, but in chapter 32 of Exodus, the people of Israel, certain that Moses is dead on the fiery mountain, convince Aaron to make and a golden calf they can worship. Suddenly God’s language changes, and when he speaks to Moses he refers to Israel not as my people but as your people. Their sin separated them from God. Our sin likewise separates us from God, from each other, really from the very persons God created us to be. He gave us commandments because he wants us to live good and right lives, but we think we know better, and this is why we live miserable and wrong lives.
Panel 3: Jesus Restores Us

The third panel depicts God’s hands reaching out to his people again. This time, they are nail-scarred. The cross in the center reminds us of why they are nail-scarred. People are now reaching out to God as they turn away from sin and turn to him. The Scripture is from John 3:3, 14-15 NIV: Jesus declared, I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. …The Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life.
Explain the background behind this verse. Nicodemus, whom Jesus calls Israel’s teacher, has come to Jesus to tell him that he approves of him: Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs you are doing if God were not with him. (Jn 3:2) But Jesus cuts through all the flattery and tells him, I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. (3:3)
Ask, Have you heard that phrase born-again before? What does it mean to you? Some will have heard the phrase before. Some may incorrectly say it stands for reincarnation. Explain that the Greek word for again can also mean from above; that Jesus is talking about being reborn spiritually. Nicodemus was confused by this too, but Jesus said, I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. (3:5-6)
We become born-again through Jesus’s self-sacrifice: The Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. (3:14-15) Jesus died on the cross to remove sin as a barrier between God and us. This is how he saved us, and became our saver (or Savior). The nail scars in God’s hands remind us that this sacrifice wasn’t because God is bloodthirsty or vengeful; Jesus is God, and God did what he had to do to restore us to himself.
When we believe in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross (point to the cross in the middle of the page) we are born-again by the Spirit of God and made new in him. We are given a second-chance and receive eternal life through an ongoing relationship of obedience to Jesus.
Panel 4: God Loves Us & We Love One Another

The fourth panel shows God’s hands accepting his people, who are demonstrating love for one another. The Scripture is from 1 John 3:11 NIV: This is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.
This links the message of salvation with God’s plan for humanity from the very beginning. Our relationship with God, with others and with the broken selves we have become is restored so we can truly love as Jesus loved. It reminds people that Christians are to love one another as God loves us. (Jn 13:34, 15:12, 1Jn 4:11) It also suggests the need for a church, where we can best practice love for one another.
Panel 5: Basic Biblical Principles

The fifth panel recaps the main ideas from the pamphlet:
- God loves you and wants to share eternal life with you.
- You can begin to receive eternal life by making this commitment to God.
Then read the prayer on this page to them, not with them, yet: Dear God, I know I am a sinner, and I need a Savior. I ask you to forgive me of my sins, and fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit now. I want to receive you, Jesus, as my personal living Savior. I now commit my life totally to you. Thank you, Jesus. Amen!
Once you read that prayer ask the person, following the pamphlet, “Does this prayer express the desires of your heart?” Is it something that the person can pray and mean? If they say yes, then: “Would you like to pray this prayer with us today so you can begin a new journey—your new relationship with Christ Jesus?”
If the person says yes, tell them you will lead them in the prayer phrase by phrase and they should repeat after you, saying it with genuine meaning from their heart. You can say the prayer one phrase at a time, pausing at each comma for them to repeat it, and they will do so.
If the person repeats the prayer with you, then rejoice with them! Tell them Jesus says “there is more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner that repents than 99 that don’t need to” (Lk. 15:7). Right now they are having a Hallelujah party in heaven as your name is now written down in the Lambs book of Life (Rev. 21:27). Remind that person: Saying the prayer is only the beginning of a new relationship with Christ. Further steps will need to be taken. Give them the Walking with the Lord Jesus Christ pamphlet and get their contact information (name, phone#, email) and tell them you or someone from your church will be contacting them in a few days to answer any questions they have about that.
Panel 6: Final Panel

The sixth panel, or the back, is a place for the new Christian to sign and date the pamphlet, as a reminder that this person has received Christ. It’s also the place where you put your church’s contact information, or your phone number or email—if the new Christian has any questions. It is recommended all discipleship follow-up be done males with males, females with females, preferably of similar age, etc.
If they prayed with you, ask them if they have a Bible. If they don’t have one, go to the church and get one to give to them. A church without Bibles for new believers, is like a truck driver without a truck, a writer without a pen, a teacher without pupils- you get the point!
Once again, ff the person does pray with you make sure you get their contact information and give them a copy of the Walking with the Lord Jesus Christ pamphlet. Tell them that you, or someone from your church will be contacting them in a few days to answer any questions they may have about that pamphlet.
If the person can’t yet say the prayer, that’s fine; make sure to leave the Our Spiritual Journey Together pamphlet with the person, and point to the contact information on the back, in case there are any questions. Maybe at some later point, alone, the Holy Spirit will convict the person, who will then receive Christ. The important thing is that you did what the Lord commanded and shared the gospel. Make sure they know you are available to answer any questions they might have. Ask the final two questions on the Religious Attitude Questionnaire: “Would you be interested in being part of a group to learn more about the Bible and Jesus Christ? And, would you like to come with me and visit our church someday?”
If the person is still curious (or has said the prayer and wants more information), provide a Bible or New Testament, and use the pamphlet to bookmark the gospel of John. Tell the person to start with John; this Gospel gets to the point about who Jesus is and what he’s done, and wrote his gospel so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name (Jn. 20:31).
Further Training
For a video introduction to the Religious Attitudes Questionnaire and using booklets for sharing your faith see Part 12, Intentional Outreach Approaches of the Sharing Your Spiritual Journey with Others seminar. This session includes a thorough introduction into this approach in intentional evangelism efforts.
For a complete training video/flash file seminar go to Be His Witness, Part 1: Using Questionnaires and Booklets to Share the Gospel & Train Evangelists, a video seminar that specifically shows you how to use the Religious Attitude Questionnaire for outreach. Check back with Barnabas Missions for updates.
Download the Our Spiritual Journey Together Pamphlet
English Version:
Our Spiritual Journey Together Gospel Pamphlet
Juntos en Nuestra Jornada Espiritual (Spanish Version):
Spanish – Juntos en Nuestra Jornada Espiritual
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