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Spirit-Empowered Discipleship – Purchase

Resources offered on this page include: Seven Videos and Companion Workbook

Spirit-Empowered Discipleship Series 

This is comprehensive video/vimeo-based and streaming curriculum for those with a burden for growing deeper in Christ through spiritual disciplines. It is probably best used by individuals, or better yet, groups of believers who want to learn more about the practice of spiritual disciplines in a weekend workshop, retreat, or in a small group setting. The Spirit-Empowered Discipleship seminar series contains seven sessions that vary from 20 – 35  minutes deliverable to just about any digital device you might use. It is available with a companion workbook in pdf format free of charge. This valuable training tool will help you and your team learn more about the biblical principles for Spirit-empowered growth and develop a hunger for a deeper relationship with Christ.  

Click HERE to see the Seminar Overview Video (coming soon).

VIDEO LICENSE PURCHASES (Please read Purchase Policy below before you purchase) 

Click on Make A Donation Now link to access the video downloads. The entire series with the pdf workbook is yours for a $20 donation to Barnabas Missions. You will be taken to PayPal to make your donation.
After you have made a donation we will contact you directly by email with a link to the video page where you can view/stream or download the 7 videos and download the pdf version of the companion workbook.
A PayPal account is not necessary to purchase.


Click Here To
Make a Donation Now






Click on Make a Donation access the product you desire to use in your ministry. You will be taken to a PayPal page. PayPal account is not required, but it will ask for your information.


  1. You purchase an individual license to download/view one of our videos by clicking on Add To Cart and paying for it through Paypal.
  2. You are sent to a download/viewing page with a description and hyperlink for accessing the video through Vimeo which makes it available for streaming or download – based on your preferences.
  3. Save or bookmark the page so you can come back to it later for further viewing or downloading.
  4. Please do not share this link with others, as you agree to keep this private unless given permission from Barnabas Missions Unlimited to share it (see more about license for use below).*


Would you like to provide a donation to Barnabas Missions so some individuals who cannot afford the training can obtain access to our materials? Please email us at [email protected] to find out how you can contribute to this worthy cause for equipping those who cannot afford the training otherwise.

Are you in need of a scholarship to access the training video and workbook?  Please click on this link here to share your story with us.

To download/stream any of the seminar session videos or reading material please click on Add To Cart then proceed to “Checkout”.


If you would like to pay by check or money order (U.S. only), you can do so by sending a check in the amount of  $20. to us by mail.  We will send you the appropriate links by email once we receive your payment.



LICENSE:  Barnabas Missions Unlimited grants you a limited, non-exclusive license to access and use the videos you purchase for your own personal, non-commercial purposes. This license is personal to you and may not be assigned or sublicensed to anyone else.

RESTRICTIONS: Except as expressly permitted by  Barnabas Missions Unlimited in writing, you will not reproduce, redistribute, sell, create derivative works from, decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble any videos you stream or download. All rights not expressly granted by Barnabas Missions Unlimited are reserved.


It is understood that you may want to show your video to a larger group of people than individual use.  While this is permissible, you do not have permission to share the download/streaming link(s) to those videos you purchased for others to stream or download for their individual use. If they want access to those download/streaming links they must purchase an individual license for such use.

Group rates are available through Barnabas Missions Unlimited, please inquire by email to [email protected] to obtain feedback on groups rates for your church or small group for video access and companion workbooks.

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